More than just digital.

Integrated strategy, conceived and executed in partnership with our clients, is the most holistic approach. But we can also work on the individual pieces. Here are some of the pieces we can tackle:

  • Social Media Advertising
    With rapidly increasing targeting sophistication and reporting, social advertising has finally come of age. We can work with you to formulate strategy, find the best channels, create and run ads, tabulate results, and optimize.
  • Search Engine Optimization & Paid Search
    At its best, Search can bring the most qualified prospects, ready to engage or buy. At the other end of the spectrum is a casual browser or poorly targeted traffic, both of which can deplete resources with very little return. We dig in deep to uncover your optimal keywords (our Keyword Discovery process is very detailed and extremely effective). We put robust strategies in place that make your website a tool for attracting targeted traffic, and SEO and PPC work in tandem. We help in leveraging learnings to optimize search campaigns (which includes YouTube, of course, as well as search engines other than Google, should the need arise), keeping in mind both your long and short term acquisition goals, as well as your ROI.
  • Lead Scoring & Nurturing (B-to-B)
    70% of your incoming leads are not sales ready, but will purchase in the future, either from you or your competitor. Ignoring them will likely result in the latter outcome, yet passing them to sales too early only leads to a clogged pipeline. We can identify these future opportunities through a scoring scheme, set up automated multi-channel programs to nurture the relationship, and help build a sense of value and trust, as well as pinpoint the right time to share these leads with your sales team. Helping in selection of marketing automation software is also one of our areas of expertise.
  • Email – strategy and execution
    Email is a powerful retention tool and an essential nurturing component. Segmentation and targeting, as well as fine-tuning offers, messages and timing are all keys to success. We can run your email programs as well: advise on selection of ESPs and/or work with the one you've selected, upload creative, run and report on analytics, make recommendations for improvements. We can write copy too.
  • Organic Social Media
    The question is no longer "should I be using social media?", but "which channels and how?" We help you make sense of what makes the most sense for your business.
  • Traditional Direct Mail
    Direct mail remains an excellent acquisition channel, poised to regain popularity because of the diminished competition in the mailbox. It can also work well in retention and re-engagement of lapsed customers. We can do it all – from strategic list planning to creative, as simple as a postcard or as complex as a dimensional mailer.
  • Catalog circulation, merchandising and creative
    Determine optimal mailing frequency, historical and predictive segment response to offers and merchandising mix; merchandising and creative treatment based on in-depth analysis; front and back cover strategy.
  • Database - unlock the potential
    Data hygiene – check! Segmentation and data mining – check! Predictive modeling – check! Good data = high customer value, profitable targeting & conversion optimization. We help make sense of your data & put it to good use.
  • Quantitative & Qualitative Research
    Deep insights into your customers' psyche. Strategically structured surveys, reverse-engineered with your end goals in mind: design, recruitment, execution, analytics and actionable ideation. Plus, highly innovative qualitative with the help of our partner, scenarioDNA.
  • And much more

    • Added value programs
      That special something, be it a premium, a sweepstakes offer, a newsletter or survey, which can increase customer response, make a website stickier, or provide relevant information resulting in improved loyalty.
    • Web site usability & ecommerce advice
      The importance of having a user-friendly web site, forms & landing pages, and checkout process cannot be underestimated: site usability has been reported as the third in importance (preceded only by prices and shipping) in influencing consumers' decisions to purchase.
    • Account Based Marketing (ABM)
      Target key desirable accounts with hyper-personalized nurturing campaigns
    • Retargeting
      Only about 2% of your web site visitors convert on the first visit.  Retargeting goes after the 98% who got away, aiding in recovery of lost revenue.
    • Prospect activation programs (aka Lead Nurturing for B-to-C)
      Multi touch integrated communication streams which convert browsers into buyers
    • Loyalty programs and customer engagement
      Deliver timely and relevant information and incentives for maximum profitability based on past behavior and predictive modeling.
    • Lapsed customer reactivation
      With a systematic approach to customer retention, reactivation efforts become obsolete - but should the need arise, we're here to help with targeted programs, segmentation and incentives.
    • Financial planning and reporting
      Metrics recommendations; budgets, reforecasts; segment, source and campaign reporting; response and profitability analysis.
    • ROI and lifetime value evaluation
      Assess current and potential profitability and sources of profitable customers